First of all we all know that education is a fundamental right for everyone individual including refugees. Access to education has been a problem here in Kenya for refugees. In Kenya we have two major refugee camps that are well known that is Kakuma and Dadaab. Others are in towns the urban refugees. The problem of access to quality education has always been a problem to this refugees here in Kenya and according to the first ever Global refugees forum which was conducted in Geneva in December 2019, and I quote the enrollment of refugees in education, 63% in primary, 24% in secondary and 3% in tertiary institutions. This is where the problem is. My concern is at secondary and tertiary because most don’t climb that ladder. This is where the problem is. The solution I am proposing is that we should have courses that can be accessed offline because most refugees in the camps don’t have access to WiFi, data (internet) the courses should be offered by certified educators and that is what am doing with other educators and scholars. The courses are put in that they meet the current requirements and qualifications of the job market, and are awarded certificates that are recognized and that may help them get jobs and have income. This solution does change the lives of people positively because they are recognized and certified which will help them have income and better their lives, and this is a continuous process for them who can’t access the gates of university and vocational training is on top of our list