Logo of Kiron Higher Education

June 19-20 2020

Virtual Refugee Conference

Join the conversation

At Kiron, we believe that change can only happen when everyone’s voice is heard. That’s why we, along with our partners, are organising the first online conference dedicated to refugees around the world. Take part and join this community of changemakers on the 19th and 20th of June for meaningful discussions around this year’s theme: AMPLIFY NOW! Elevating new learning and strengthening communities.

Organise a satellite event

A conference organiser volunteers to run a satellite event in their local community on the 19th and 20th of June 2020 around the conference theme with guidance from Kiron.

Become a speaker

We invite experts and leaders to enrich the discussion by presenting a related topic during a live conference session or alternatively pre recorded.


Total participants



Become a sponsor

We partner with companies, organisations and institutions that seek to empower refugees around the world. You will be recognized as one of the founding partners of the first global virtual refugee conference.


  • Apply for the Impact Prize! - deadline expired!


    Showcase your idea and get the mentorship you need

    Read Now
  • Nhial Deng - Telling stories of refugees and Kakuma

    updates, topics

    A Q&A with Nhial Deng, global change maker and refugee advocate.

    Read Now
  • Migration Matters: Let’s rethink migration together

    updates, topics

    Credits: Migration Matters

    Creating more nuanced and evidence-based conversations about migration.

    Read Now
More Articles

Amplify your voice

This World Refugee Day, discuss and debate the most important issues affecting you as a refugee, with other refugees, refugee-led organisations, activists and innovators around the world.

The conference is a platform to start a discussion of topics that really matter to you. We ensure that your voice will be amplified and heard.

Connect, learn and share with a diverse group of movers and shakers committed to the empowerment of refugees.


Do you have an innovative solution that elevates learning, is inclusive to all and empowers refugees? You need support to make your idea even more successful, increase media visibility, access networks and mentorship? Submit your application today.

Deadline for submission of ideas is 4th of June!

IMPACT Solutions

  • Refugee Learning Community Centers


    The solution to my proposition is to build in every Refugee camps and in urban cities, a place where Refugees can have access to learning materials through E-campus opportunities.... read more

  • Establishing an android app


    There are many problems that we face in our daily life that should be solved by creating an Android program that works as a network for all refugees around the world, through this application. ... read more

  • Refugee Youth Program

    Epirus, Greece

    Our program helps children living in two refugee sites abandon previously learnt prejudices towards gender and ethnicity, dispel stigmas around being refugees, and embrace a shared Scout identity and culture. ... read more

  • Hiring refugees

    All countries that host refugees

    The problem I am trying to solve is the lack of refugee’s employment. Refugees education is very important, but not all refugees are willing to continue their education.... read more

  • Advancing Inclusion through the Right to Digital Literacy


    Thaki works to ensure that a child’s demographics, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds do not define their learning outcomes and future.... read more

  • Online Communities Supporting Refugee Youth Higher Education

    Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, USA

    VIP.fund is a youth-focused philanthropy fund empowering young people impacted by conflict through education and employment. We run e-learning programs, crowdfund for college, and partner with organizations that further student employment prospects. ... read more

  • Tusobola Women

    Mpigi Town., Mpigi Town, Mayembe Upper.

    Tusobola Women r-cycles plastic and polythene waste into trending fashion and accessories in sustainable waterproof Products.... read more

  • Audiovisual cong to health educate public on malaria prevention and control


    We provide health education to public about malaria prevention and control using audio visual song.... read more

  • Early diagnosis and treatment of cancer of cervic among refugee women

    All refugee camps in Uganda

    With introduction of early screening, biopsy and early treatment , we hope to reduce morbidity and mortality due to cancer of cervix.... read more

  • Africa Partnership for Open Education Resource


    This project propose to give support for OER (Open Education Resource) at no cost to formal and informal learning facilities under the coverage of the network.... read more

  • Accessing Home education on rural Refugees

    Dhuusamreeb, Somalia

    The Home education can improve and reduce the illiteracy rate among Refugees and enhance the ability to read and write in mother tongue. ... read more

  • takenoLAB

    Dzaleka Refugee Camp - Malawi

    takenoLAB is coming to equip refugees with software programming and entrepreneurship skills that they can use in getting online jobs and self employing through business ventures... read more

  • Finding scholarships for high school graduates refugees who live in Rwanda to do tertiary education.


    I am committed to solve a lack of scholarships problem of high school graduates refugees in Rwanda which prevents them to do tertiary education.... read more

  • Bookers International Schools


    Bookers International School provides free quality education, Agritech and Sustainability skills to thousands of youths—with greater focus on young women within my community while making profit through special innovations.... read more


    Akure, Nigeria

    Natal Cares is a social Project which leverages on the power of mobile technology and low cost innovation to combat maternal and infant mortality among Refugees and IDP Camps in Nigeria.... read more

  • Tradefy Society


    The mandate of the tradefy society is to provide job for Millions of people across the world through the global financial market. ... read more

  • Racheal Khasoha

    Nairobi Kenya

    We should have courses that can be accessed offline because most refugees in the camps don’t have access to internet the courses should be offered by certified educators and that is what am doing with other educators and scholars.... read more

  • The World of The Refugee

    South Asia

    we MUST invest in preventing global migration, arrest social ferment by spacing urban slums (our biggest sufferers because of squalor, lack of sanitation and hygiene and overcrowding ) and guarantee poor livelihoods etc.... read more

  • The Community Education Project

    South Tel Aviv, Israel

    Community Education Center has been proposing various evening courses to the migrant community of south Tel Aviv, thus helping individuals improve their life circumstances. ... read more

About Kiron

Kiron Open Higher Education (gGmbH) is a nonprofit that combines digital innovation and strategic partnerships to empower refugees worldwide and underserved communities in the Middle East through online learning opportunities.

Support us

Your donation will enable us to reach more refugees and underserved communities to actively participate in the conference.

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Logo of Virtual Refugee ConferenceLogo of Kiron Higher EducationVirtual refugee conference June 19-20 2020